Is Younify free to use?
Younify is always 100% free. There are no ads or paid features in Younify.
How is Younify different from Reelgood and JustWatch?
With Younify TV, you don’t need to spend a lot of time filling out a profile about your viewing activities or tastes. Getting started is easy—just log into all your streaming accounts within the Younify app. There is no manual "journaling" required, ever. Once you link your streaming services to Younify, the Younify app will do the rest, combining your streaming services to fill up your personalized streaming dashboard with all the shows and movies you've started watching and your combined watchlists. Younify will also give you better recommendations for watch to watch, every time, with little effort from you.
Can I watch my Younify movies and shows on my TV?
Yes, when you click to Watch Now, it will launch the native app for your streaming provider, and from there you can cast or AirPlay to your TV using the cast button
. We plan to add the ability to cast directly from Younify to your TV in the coming year. Let us know if you'd like to be notified when we add new features to Younify.

Why isn't there a Younify app for Apple TV, Firestick, Google TV or Roku?
Younify is not available for TV apps, but you can cast or AirPlay through Younify. We may launch a Google TV app in the future. Let us know if you'd like to be notified when we add new features to Younify.
Why isn’t there a Web or Windows Younify app available?
We will be launching a Windows app soon. Let us know if you'd like to be notified when we have a Windows app available. Let us know if you'd like to be notified when we add new features to Younify.
Are you sharing/selling my personal info or my programming interests or picks or suggestions?
No, we do not share any personal info or personal viewing patterns. Take a look at our Privacy Policy for more information.
How quickly do you get show updates onto my Younify streaming guide when program release dates or scheduling changes?
Everything you see on Younify—including your watch history, watchlists, and recommendations are all pulled directly from the streaming providers so your personal streaming guide will always be up-to-date.
Is Younify outside of the U.S.?
Younify is only available in the United States as of today.